My Photo Essay

Thursday, 2 October 2008

SLR Camera Notes:

SLR cam's range from 4secs to 1/4000 of a second
the faster the shutter opens & closes the less light thats exposed to the film - less light on the pic

The slower the shutter opens & closes the more light thats exposed to the film - more light on pic

ISO on film camera's - MP (Mega Pixel) on digital camera's

Aperture - smaller the aperture - least amount of light
- larger the aperture - more light let in

Slow - 1sec
Fast - 1/30 sec
V-Fast - 1/1000 sec

Lower the number - larger the aperture
higher the number - smaller the aperture

Shutter - 1/4sec Aperture - f/2.8 = Too much light
Shutter - 1/8sec Aperture - f/8 = Too light & blurred
Shutter - 1/30sec Aperture - f/2.8 = Similar to previous
Shutter - 1/250sec Aperture - f/22 = Totally black
Shutter - 1/30sec Aperture - f/8 = People slightly blurred background really blurred
Shutter - 1/30sec Aperture - f/16 = Almoost perfect
Shutter - 1/500sec Aperture - f/2.8 = Totally blurred background

Depth of field (DOF)

Background <----- DOF -----> Forground

Small number - Background not in focus
Large number - Background & Forground in focus

Large aperture - More light but smaller DOF
Small aperture - Less light but lager DOF (Unblurred Background)

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